Science Fair

The Science Fair is upon us!!!

Everyone should have chosen a Topic at this point and started their research.

Science fair will be the week of April 22nd

All work is done at home except the Display board, which will be done the week before.

Components of your Science Fair:

Research paper ( you must have works cited otherwise it will be counted as a ZERO) Wiki or Wikipedia is not allowed
Do not copy and paste
Minium pages : 3
font size 12
spacing no more than 1.5

Model: you may have help with a parent if there is building required
Pictures MUST be taken and presented with part of your fair display showing you and your group working on the model together ( can be a slide or actual mini album)

You must have an experiment that was conducted showing data collection (again pictures must be taken during the process)

Science Fair journal: it should be a small notebook with logs of the process from start to finish

Display Board: all components will be given at a later date and will be done in school ( you should have construction paper , glue sticks and any decoration you want available) We will provide the boards

2 weeks before you will be working with Mrs. Canal and Ms. Klein on the research and parts of the board information

For reference: Go on google classroom to find information and guidelines for each phase of the Science Fair (you do not have to print or hand those in. They serve as a reference