January 21, 2023

Mapgrowth testing begins tomorrow, Monday January 22nd.

St. Jude Fundraiser also starts tomorrow January 22nd. through February 5th. All funds raised go directly to fund research for children’s cancer. Please open the link below.


Catholic School’s Week: Please review all activities for the week of January 29th

MONDAY: January 29 “Service Day”
1. Mercy House donations of baby supplies and food due by Feb. 1
(classes will be assigned certain donation items)
2. Student Council teaches for a class period
3. Make cards for Father Thesmas and Fr. Ceasar
TUESDAY: January 30 “Celebrating Faith”
Mass for K-8 at 9 a.m.
WEDNESDAY: January 31 “Academic Day”
1. Spelling Bee 8:45 a.m.
Class Spelling Bees to be conducted the week of 1/22. 2 winners
per class by Jan 24th.
1. Individual classes will play various “bees” for each subject
2. Grades 5-8 Quiz Bowl Competition
THURSDAY: February 1 “Student Appreciation Day”
1. Grade Buddies activities / Individual class activities
2. Grades Pre K – K – Dress in favorite color
Grade 1-2 “Teddy Bear Day”- Students bring in Teddy Bears and wear
pajamas to school.
Grades 3-4 “Career Day” – Students will choose an occupation
to dress up as
Grades 5-8 “Dress Down Day”
FRIDAY: February 2: “Teacher Appreciation Day” / “Sports Day”
Volleyball game- All students Pre-K-8 may dress in their favorite sports
person/team. Assemble in the gym at 10a.m. Game starts at 10:30 a.m