Thursday January 18, 2023

Tomorrow, Friday January 19th.  PIZZA LUNCH IS CANCELLED….  students need to bring lunch.

Attendance & Lateness:

Please review the attendance policy which all parents signed off on in September.  Some students are reaching the following consequences:

  • promotion to the next grade
  • non- attendance on the class trip
  • Summer school program

Attached below are the complete details as stated in the School handbook.


Prompt regular attendance is absolutely essential to academic success. The parent/guardian is expected to foster these good habits in the student, both for the benefit of the student’s current academic achievement and to encourage mature adult behavior in the future. We strongly recommend that doctor and dental appointments should be scheduled for days or times when school is not in session.

  • After 5 times late each trimester, the student may not receive a perfect attendance award.
  • After 15 times late, parents will be notified and warned that lateness could affect their promotion to the next grade.
  • After 20 late notices there will be consequences:

   – The student will not be permitted to  go on the class trip.

   – The student will not receive any perfect attendance award.

  • After 25 or more late notices, the student must attend a Summer Program before being promoted to the next grade.


A parent/guardian must call the school no later than 9:00 am to report a student’s absence. If no call has been received by 9:00 am, the school will make a reasonable effort to reach a parent/guardian by phone to verify the legitimacy of the absence. These procedures represent a mutual effort to account for the presence of the student during school hours.

When the child returns to school, a written excuse from a parent/guardian stating the student’s name together with the dates and reason for the absence must be presented. An absence of three (3) consecutive days or after a communicable disease requires a doctor’s note. Parents requesting permission to take a child on trips, vacations, etc.  during school time must know the child is considered absent. The procedure regarding vacations during school time is:

  • A note stating the reason and the travel date must be sent to the student’s homeroom.
  • Specific advance assignments will not be given to any student prior to the vacation.

It is the parents’ responsibility to see that the student completes all class-work and assignments missed during the absence. Absence without the parents’ knowledge is a serious offense. The student will not be admitted back to school until a conference has taken place between the parents or guardian and the principal. A child who is chronically ill may be eligible for home instruction. Please contact the principal for information.


Students are required to make up all work missed due to absence. Students have one school day to make up work for each day they are absent. (A student who was absent three days would have three school days, including his or her first day back at school, to complete all missed assignments.) It is the student’s responsibility, not the teacher’s, to obtain makeup work. Any parent of a student in Grades K–4 who wants to pick up work on the day a student is absent may call the school office by noon. If called in later in the day, we cannot guarantee that the work will be ready for that day. Work may be picked up after dismissal at the Aftercare desk in the Big RoomStudents in Grades 5–8 need to get missed work from their teachers when they return to school. Some assignments are posted in Google Classroom which is available online.