5A and 5B Reminders

BOOK FAIR – 5A and 5B students will visit the Book Fair this coming Monday, 10/16 during Social Studies class. Mrs. Miles will accompany them. Please remember to send money in with your child if you would like them to purchase books at the fair.

WINTER UNIFORMS – The wearing of winter uniforms will begin this Monday, 10/16. Students must wear school sweaters, not sweatshirts, with their winter uniform. Any sweatshirts or t-shirts with Sacred Heart School or SHS may only be worn on gym days for grades 5-7.  (This includes spirit wear) The exception is 8th grade. When they receive their graduation year sweatshirts, they may wear them with the winter and/or gym uniforms. All students must have black shoes or plain black sneakers with their winter uniform. It is not black and green, or black and purple… etc. All boys in grades 5-8 must have a red tie. If girls in grades 5-8 want to wear pants, they are dress pants. Black jeans, cargo pants, or tights are not permitted.

CHROMEBOOK COVERS – All students must have a carrying case or padded cover for their Chromebooks. If not, we reserve the right to keep their Chromebooks until they bring a cover. It is very important that students have a cover or case to protect their Chromebooks. As per the contract, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to pay for any repairs or replacement if the Chromebook is damaged or destroyed.

TRICKY TRAY 5A CLASS THEME (Ms. Klein’s class) – Soup’s On!!  Please bring in one or more items of the following: canned soup, boxed soup, soup mugs, soup starters, cup-a-soup, soup crackers, soup bowls, noodles or soup pasta. All donations must be in by November 9th. Please do not send in expired or open packages, and do not put your child’s name on the items. Thank you!

TRICKY TRAY 5B CLASS THEME (Mrs. Miles’ class) – Terrific Teeth!! Please bring in one or more items of the following: toothbrush, dental floss, sugarless gum, toothpaste, mouthwash, fluoride rinse, breath mints. All donations must be in by November 9th. Please do not send in expired or open packages, and do not put your child’s name on the items. Thank you!