Back to School Night Recap…

It was so lovely meeting many of you at back to school night last night!

I just wanted to recap some of the things that we discussed for you to refer back to and for those who were unable to make it:

  • I use the Remind App to communicate most of the time for everyday messages and reminders.  Please send a text to 81010 with saldanasst in the body to join our class.  You can also message me there as well.
  • I do post on the blog but for bigger, longer items and updates about what we are learning.  Remind has a cap on the characters we use so that is more effective for quick everyday communication.
  • I usually respond to messages within in 24 hours which is our school policy so please allow time for me to respond in that time period as during the day I am not seeing messages or able to respond when I am in the classroom.
  • Please check your child’s homework folder daily as they also get other items that you may need to see such as notices etc.
  • Snacks:  Please send in a healthy snack and something they can practice opening on their own. There is only one of me and 15 of them so snack can be a bit crazy when I am peeling fruit and opening packages/containers for many of them.  Snack is also only 15 minutes so please send one or two snacks in only.
  • Homework is due back Friday.  Please keep the flash cards and practice sentences home so that you can continue to practice them with your child.  A little bit should be done every day, I have broken up what should be done each day so that they get a little practice every day.

If you have any other questions please reach out and I would. be happy to answer them!


Ms. Saldana <3